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Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year, New Resolve

I won't be making any New Year's resolutions this year.  I've decided that any positive thing I resolve to do from now on, I'll be doing for the rest of my life, not just for 2012.
Tonight, as I sit here and write this post, I resolve to continue to seek God's will for my life so that I can continue to walk out my destiny, in Him.  The challenges that the new year brings may be familiar or completely new.  Either way, it doesn't really matter.  I am confident in God's ability to take care of me.  You see, I've learned that the curve balls that life throws at me don't necessarily have to cause me to strike out.  Unprepared though I may be, nothing takes God by surprise! 
There are a few things that I will commit to doing from now on, as well.  I will commit to riding in the passenger seat and letting God take the wheel.  I will try not to get ahead of Him, even when I think things are moving along too slowly. I will not allow doubt or fear to immobilize me and cause me to fall out of step with my destiny.   I will continue to trust Him even when the unthinkable happens.  I will continue to place my hope in God and expect His beauty in place of any ashes that I find along my journey. 

This moment holds the beginning of the rest of your life too.  What are you committed to doing (or not doing) in the interest of discovering and walking out your destiny?

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