Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Thursday, December 8, 2011

How dare you?

If you're like me, you probably have memories of being dared by someone to do something really outrageous when you were a kid.  "I dare you to walk down the street backwards, with your eyes closed" or "I dare you to sneak out of school with me" are the kinds of dares that my friends and I exchanged.  Sure, they seem silly now, but back then, backing down from even the silliest of dares somehow (at least in our young minds) made us less worthy of the friendship and respect of our peers.
Still, as silly as they were, those dares helped to build my courage and my confidence in my own ability.  As I confidently rose to each challenge, I gained the respect of my peers.  I didn't realize it then, but I was also learning to recognize and respect my own inner strengths.  I learned to respect the voice in my head that cheered me on and assured me that I could do anything that I set my mind to. 

So, how dare you?  Do you dare look within to find your inner strengths and unique abilities?  Do you dare set reasonable expectations for your child or loved one with a disability, in spite of what you've been told he or she cannot do?  Do you dare trust God to guide your steps, no matter how difficult your journey?   

Daring ourselves to venture out on our faith every now and then is a good thing.  Faith will either remove the "mountains" of life from our paths, or give us the strength to climb them.  If you have to climb a "mountain" in order to get past it, try to learn some things along the way.  God will be there with you.  Allow Him to keep molding you into the vessel that you were intended to be.  Go ahead....I dare you! 

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