Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Go There, But Don't Stay!

In the words of Kirk Frankin  some days do feel like givin' up days, but even those days will pass.  This past week has been difficult for me.  Monday night was an especially difficult night for my daughter.  I'm not sure why, but getting through homework was so hard!  She had several meltdowns and just couldn't seem to stay in control of her emotions.  After 3 and a half hours, I had to insist that she stop trying to do the work and go to bed, knowing that a fresh start in the morning would do her some good.
  She hasn't had an episode like that in a long time.  It was hard to see her like that; angry with herself and with me because she couldn't get her answers right one moment, and reduced to tears and sobbing in the next.  Back and forth she went...  I stopped her and asked her to be still and quiet.  I prayed aloud for the peace of God to cover us both.  I hugged her and told her that although the evening had been tough, she would feel better in the morning.  Before we went upstairs to bed, she was calmer, even a little talkative.  Maybe she was just tired... I don't know what the trigger was, but I'm glad that homework for the remainder of the week was much better! 

There are going to be days like this for all of us.  I guess the key to moving beyond them is to keep trusting and believing that God wants to give us His best.  On a brighter note, things have been better for me for the past few days, but some who are close to me still hurt at this hour.  One doesn't even know he's hurting and wounded and in need of God's deliverance and the other can't seem to catch a break on any level!  I can't figure any of it out though, so I guess the best thing to do is to pray for them both, turn their situations over to God, and trust Him.  I don't have any answers or explanations, but I will be here to love and support them both, and God will too.

If today feels like one of your givin' up days, I encourage you to hold on to your faith and don't let go!  God really is in your corner! 

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