Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Seasons Change

I'm not sure who I've heard say this, but whomever it was, really got me to thinking when they referred to God as "a God of seasons".  I've thought about this time and time again, and have to say that I agree.  As we cycle through the seasons of our lives, isn't He right there with us?  We cycle through good times and bad times.  Some seasons come upon us suddenly, without giving us much time to prepare for them.  The "what if" questions come easily, but the answers to them are elusive. God, knows when the difficult, dry seasons of our lives will come and  He graciously sends His provision, grace and mercy ahead of us to equip us for the climate!  I forget that sometimes.  I become so overwhelmed at times with the vastness of the "place" that I am in at times, that I fail to recognize His sustaining power. 

There are no loud claps of thunder or trumpets that announce or remind us of God's presence in our every day lives, yet He is always there.  How refreshing to know that He knows my name and is concerned about me!  Though the heat of the season I am in right now is stifling...almost suffocating at times...I am reminded that I am not alone.  I don't have answers for many of the situations present themselves, but I'm encouraged to know that I don't have to.  It isn't my job to know all of the answers, so I'm letting myself off the hook on that one :) 

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