Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Thursday, March 18, 2010

One Step At A Time

Move cautiously and carefully, consulting God every step of the way.  I cannot allow fear to dictate what I will and will not have faith for.  It is fear that causes me to wonder at times if Christina will be able to handle the physical and emotional changes that puberty is sure to bring.  It is fear that whispers unwelcome reminders of the challenges that she is now facing.  Intrusions of doubt and uncertainty sometimes block the flow of the rivers.  The rivers come from God.  They bring me peace, hope, direction, and light.  I must keep the waters flowing at all times if I am to survive.

I try daily not to run ahead of God.  To run ahead of Him means that I must find my own way.  No, I will continue to pray and ask God to direct every step that I take.  Only then can I move forward with confidence.  Confidence in a God who wishes above all things that His children prosper and be in health.  Confidence in a God whose Word must accomplish the thing that it was sent to accomplish because it cannot return to Him void. 

My head is lifted...ever seeking His face.  "Lift up your head o ye gates and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors and the King of Glory shall come in!  Who is the King of Glory?  The Lord strong and mighty!

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