Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Look Toward The Hills

Over the years, several of my friends and associates have asked me how I've managed to stay focused and optomistic over the years, in the face of what sometimes seems like total disarray, disappointment, and despair.  My answer has always been the same.  It is God who sustains me and gives me strength for this journey.  When Christina was young, I often stumbled and fell into what felt like a sea of hopelessness and fear.  Gradually, the Holy Spirit taught me to listen to and follow His lead in everything!

Sometimes we think that God is absent.  We struggle to accept that a loving God like ours could be with us in the dry, desert places of our lives.  I think its because we'd like to think that God knows nothing about our seasons of struggle... you know, that He isn't "fixing it" because He doesn't know about it.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  God is always with us.  We don't have to make excuses for Him or offer explanations for why our lives are what they are.  God knows all and He is always working things out for our good.  Sure, it may take some time before we can see any good coming out of our situations, but God is faithful. 

Raising and caring for a loved one with autism, down syndrome, mental retardation or any other mental or physical challenge can be daunting.  No doubt about that.  But God, our Jehovah Jireh, will show up in our expectation of provision and deliverance!  Will you even recognize Him when He does?  How will you ever see Him if your eyes are downcast and filled with tears?  Look up...toward the hills for your help.  You will find God there.  He is an ever-present help in the time of trouble. 

Have you allowed fear to kill your faith or your ability to dream for your child?  You can change that right now!  Let God give you beauty for ashes.  Let God turn your mourning into dancing.  Stop looking for God in the heaviness of your situation.  Give Him your garment of heaviness and He will give you a garment of praise.  Let God be the lifter of your head.   

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