Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Monday, March 1, 2010

Agree With God

Today I thought about how complicated life can seem at times.  If we choose to take them on, the cares of this life are plentiful.  Entertaining just a few "what if" questions is enough to overwhelm anybody!  The truth is, however, that worrying about our lives won't necessarily make them longer or better.  In fact, excessive worrying can contribute to a pretty unhealthy state of emotional, spiritual and physical being. 
So what is the alternative to worry??  Prayer, of course!  I John 5:14-15 says "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of Him. (New International Version).  Wow!  How awesome to know that the Lord hears our petitions when we pray according to His Word and that we can be assured that we have what we've asked of Him!  But we have a choice to make.  Will we choose to believe that God has heard our Word-based petitions and receive what we have asked of Him by faith or will we choose not to believe that we've received anything at all from God until He can prove to us that He has been true to His word?  Hmmmmm.....ponder that one for a few minutes.  It's a tough question, but it really is one that we must all answer at some point.
The christian life is a faith-based life.  Our faith is what determines what our confession will be about our lives and the lives of our children.  What shall we say then?  What words will we use to label or describe ourselves, our children, our health, etc?  Well, if we are to agree with God's will for our lives, we should begin by saying what He says about us in His Word.  Are you up for the challenge?    Christina has had academic struggles and was diagnosed by one of her doctors as having ADHD, a short term memory deficit, perceptual reasoning difficulties, and reading challenges.   Sure, some of her difficulties have been evident in her schoolwork, but my confession about her has remained the same.  When I pray for my children each day there is one phrase that I have been confessing over them for about two years now.  Every day, I say that they "have the mind of Christ and that they're more like Jesus every day!"  I had a Bible teacher once who said that he confessed the same thing over his adult daughter during a time in her life when she was making unwise choices.  After a period of time, his daughter turned her life around!  I'm happy to report to you that Christina has not had an IEP since she was 6 years old and that this past semester she made the honor roll!  Hallelujah!   Tonight, she proudly informed her dad and I that she gotten a 90% on her reading test and that this was the highest grade she'd ever gotten in reading!  Yes, miracles are evident in Christina's life now but, in retrospect, I realize that even when they weren't, they were still occurring.  Step by step, the Lord has led us along this road we call life.  No, it's not always an easy road, but knowing that God is on the journey too and that He's "carrying all the bags" makes the road a lot easier to travel!
The situations and circumstances that we find ourselves in are what they are.  Remember that our God is greater than them all and that if you will agree with what He says (in His Word) about your circumstances, you will always win!  Sometimes the evidence of your victory will not be immediately obvious, but trust that you have won just because your God said so! 

" Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it"  Jeremiah 1:12 

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