Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No Ways Tired

It's a familiar tune.  "I don't feel no ways tired.  I've come too far from where I started from...."  Yeah....that's how the song goes alright.  I don't know who actually wrote this song, nor do I know what their inspiration was for writing it.  I do, however, know what its like to be tired.  Tired of hoping, tired of believing.... just tired.
I'm feeling a little tired tonight.  Tired of people assuming that they understand Christina when they've never even asked her how she feels about things.  Tired of people scolding Christina for behaviors that they deem inappropriate when they've never even asked her why she engaged in them.  Her reasoning is always very childlike and innocent.  She often acts and speaks impulsively.  Too bad that this purity of thought and deed is discouraged by so many.  Our children and loved ones have valuable things to tell us and important lessons to teach us.  Their perception of the world and everything in it is often quite unique, but few people have taken the time to just sit and listen to them.
Although I am feeling tired right now, I will press on.  Christina is now ten years old and learing new lessons about independence every day.  These are important lessons that although sometimes painful,  she must learn.  I will continue to support and pray for her.  Mother, teacher, coach, interpreter and disciplinarian are just a few of the hats that I've grown accustomed to wearing.  God has given me the strength and the wisdom to be effective in each role and I am grateful.  I know that this same God will continue to give me what I need to see this journey through.
So give me a few minutes....I'll be back in the saddle shortly.  The reality is that I do get tired sometimes, but I refuse to allow myself to stay there.  There is too much at stake for me to allow bitterness or anger to creep in and choke out my faith.  Faith is what moves God, and I need Him to keep moving in our lives! 

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