Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Believe It Or Not!

"The Faith Prisoners".  You have to admit, it could be a catchy title for a new mini-series or a new book.  But if you think about it...isn't each believer a "prisoner" of his/her own individual faith?  I use the word "prisoner" because I have found it difficult to abandon my faith, even though I've always been perfectly free to do so.   I mean, here I am...loving the Lord with my heart, raising a differently-abled child, and all while trying desperately to trust God and stay true to my faith in Him.  That's a really tall order!  I'm not saying that being a faith prisoner is a bad thing, but I find it interesting that, although intangible, my faith in God has had the power to move mountains and cause many miracles to occur in my life.  Pretty amazing stuff!
 Have you ever wanted to cash in your faith tokens and walk away though? I have. Many, many times, but I can't. My faith in God and in His Word is so strong!  When we want to give up, isn't it our faith that tells us that we can't?  When we want to believe and fear the worst, isn't it our faith reminds us of God's promise that no weapon formed against us will prosper?  When our emotions have taken a beating, doesn't it seem as if the solid foundation of our faith is always there to give us something to hold onto until we can stand strong again?  So here's the question we must each ask ourselves:  "Am I going to believe what the Word says about God's will for my life and the lives of my children or am I going to set my believing on only what I can see being manifested in my situation right now?" 
The Bible calls faith the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  Even our salvation is based on faith and confession.  We've never seen Jesus with our eyes, yet we believe in Him and the atonement He made for us on the cross.  Because we believe and have confessed Jesus as our savior, we are saved.  Awesome start, but let's not stop there!  Let's believe God and receive all that He has promised us in His Word.  Believing can't happen in your head when it comes to matters of faith.  You must believe in your heart! 
So starting today, pledge to give God's answers to your problems at least as much of your attention as you give to the medical community's answers to those same problems.  There are no limits to what God can do, for with Him nothing is impossible.

"And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible"   Mark 10:27

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well said! I love this blog!