Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What Are You Expecting?

To be truly and utterly disappointed in something or someone is probably one of the lowest emotional places that you can find yourself in.  Being disappointed means that you were expecting a result that failed to manifest (at least when YOU thought it would...).

Perhaps you didn't get that promotion at work or maybe you haven't yet seen the manifestation of something that God has promised you.  Whatever your disappoint was, I want to encourage you to "get back in the saddle" and raise your expectations once more.  Expectancy breeds hope, and hope breeds faith.  Faith, as you may know, is what moves God!  So, don't give up on your dreams, your marriage, your children or yourself.  Expect the great in everything!  This will be the catalyst for change in your life.  After all, if you're not expecting something great, how (and why) would you begin to move in that direction?

Without hope and expectancy, our lives become boring, uneventful and predictable.  Faith and optimism have always propelled me forward in life...I have no intention of running in place now!  Onward and upward!

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