Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Need To Know Basis

God isn't obligated to lay out the plans that He has for our lives for our scrutiny and inspection.  Ever think about how different your life would be if you got to pick and choose everything that did or didn't happen to you?  I've been pondering this today and have come to the conclusion that I'm happy with things just as they are right now.  If given a choice about how (or if) I experienced certain events in my life, I'm sure that I would choose unwisely most of the time.  In my attempts to escape heartbreak and suffering, I might miss some really important lessons on love and trust that only these kinds of experiences could teach me.  Decisions to eliminate difficult times might cause me to miss out on experiences that had the potential to build my character and my faith in God.
Making choices like these is a job that I just don't want.  God's will and plan for my life are extremely important and in His infinite wisdom, He already knows the plans that He has for me!  My job is to trust His plan, pray His will (which is His Word) for my life and seek His kingdom first.  Staying faithful over these few tasks is a job that I can handle!
God doesn't have to show or tell me how my life will unravel.  Having knowledge of what the future holds for me would likely be too much for me to handle anyway.  I'm content to live each day, seeking to do the will of the Father in all that I do.  If I can do that, God is free to move to shape my destiny - just as He'd planned to,  before I ever came to be.

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