Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Monday, July 9, 2012

Be Not Entangled!

Catchy post title, but so much easier said than done!  It is hard not to get caught up, tangled up or tripped up by the circumstances that come our way, but God's word seems to suggest that there is a way to do exactly that!  Admittedly, I'm not always that good at steering clear of problems and other situations that seem to warrant my attention.  A researcher by nature, few things make me happier than researching a problem - tracking it down until it has nowhere to hide, and then constructing a plan of action to address it based on my findings.  This may seem a bit "nerdy" to some, but to each his own, right?  I'm beginning to realize, however, that jumping head first into research without first asking God to guide me, is a colossal waste of my time and my energy.
The needs of our children can propel us to try to perform unbelievable feats of bravery, martyrdom and just plain old stupidity!  I'm laughing at myself this time, folks because I have done some pretty crazy things - all in the name of meeting a need for my children.  What does it look and feel like to be entangled?  For me, sleepless night filled with worry, feelings or fear and anxiety were just some of the ways that I'd allowed life's web of circumstances to hold me hostage.   Ever see a fly or an insect get stuck in a spider's web?  All of the twisting, turning and squirming in the world is usually not enough to free them from the spider's sticky trap.  I don't want to be like those insects.  From now on, I'll pray first, research some and try not to worry at all!  Entanglement can only come when I stand in the web long enough for it to engulf me.  So, I'll be quick on my feet and even quicker to get on my knees.
Right now, we are believing for the money to send my daughter to an alternative school this fall.  The cost of tuition is an astronomical $25,000/year!  Yowza!!!  I have to say that this one was a no brainer for me.  I wasted NO time and energy trying to figure out how to come up with $25,000 because I knew that there was no way that we could do it.  So I'm resting now.  Resting in the peace that God knows exactly which school my daughter needs to enroll in this fall, and the fact that His provision in her life has been nothing short of miraculous thus far!

Disentangling now...stand by...

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