Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Friday, March 30, 2012

Butterfly Memories

Today, I paused to reflect on my past and my journey through this thing called "life".  When I looked back, the scenery was a bit faded...some of the colors dulled by the passage of time, I imagined.  I wished that I could remember more, but I couldn't. The memories seemed to have fluttered away like butterflies.  I strained my eyes and stretched my neck as far as I could to be able to take a look back down the road that I'd traveled.  Was that me there, in the middle of that group of children, laughing and playing without a care in the world?  It was!  I smiled and stared intently at this memory until it too began to lose it's vibrancy and fade away.  That's how it always happens, you know.  My memories of events that happened years ago are often very subdued and illustrated in neutral hues of ashen gray and charcoal black in my mind.  I suppose this could be considered a good thing because these dull, cryptic memories often prevent me from being able to  recall the details of the most emotionally difficult and painful times of my life.  I do feel a little cheated though, because when I look back I cannot see or remember the bright flowers that I know were there along the way.

Perhaps it's best for me not to remember the details and specifics of some of those dark, difficult times.  I've accepted the newness of life that Jesus Christ offered to me and I am free!  I don't allow myself to be shackled by sadness, fear or depression!  Today, I continue on my journey, looking for ways to make the most of what God has given me every step of the way.  I believe that God gives His children good things and perfect gifts.  This belief is what prompts me to look for the good in every situation or circumstance that befalls me.  Though not always obvious, some good can come of just about anything that can happen in this human experience.  Love is the key!  Perhaps India Arie said it best when she said that "the highest expression of love is to give without expecting...the highest expression of love is to accept without exception."

Positive thinking and purposeful living are the paint and paint brush that I use to create meaningful memories in my life now.  Memories that are vibrant, colorful and full of energy.  Indeed, these are unforgettable memories.  Fear, unbelief, doubt and depression have been put in their place.  I am convinced of God's perfect wisdom concerning me and I know that He is sovereign.  In fact, I'm believing God for a pretty tall order right that will take a true miracle to bring to pass, and guess what?  God has already begun to show me how He'll create this miracle right before my eyes!  A miracle?  Yes indeed, and a memory I'm sure that I will never forget.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

I applaud your bravery and your conviction to make beautiful, vibrant memories for the rest of your life. I am encourages in my quest to do the same.
I love you, Sis.