Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Will You Sink Or Will You Swim?

As the parent or caregiver of a child(ren) with unique challenges, you will have to make many critically important decisions.  Which doctor(s) should you choose?  Which course of treatment is best?  How should you should approach a particular issue with your child's school? I submit to you, however, that one of the most critical decisions you will make concerning this journey is whether you will sink or swim.

"Sink or swim".  It's a short, catchy phrase, but one that is full of meaning.  Imagine, if you will, an experienced swimmer who is just about halfway through one of the most grueling races of her career.  She'd dutifully prepared for the race and felt sure that she could win it but now, halfway through the race, isn't so sure.  She'd underestimated the strength and endurance of the other swimmers and is surprised that many of them are still ahead of her at this halfway point.  As her body grows more and more tired, she quickly loses focus and begins to fall behind.  "I could just drop out of the race now and be done with all of this", she sighs.  Will she allow her dream of victory to "sink" with her decision to quit or will she continue to swim and finish strong?

We, as parents and caregivers, must also decide if we will quit or finish strong.  When you begin to feel yourself sinking, try not to thrash about aimlessly.  Instead, quiet your thoughts and reach out to God. Ask Him to give you peace for your journey.  Ask Him for guidance and a dose of supernatural faith as well.  God is a present help and will always be there to come to your aid.  Don't lose heart, no matter what the situation looks like!  Just keep swimming, knowing that despite what things look like, God always has a plan.

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