Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Eagle's Wings

As parents of differently-abled children, it can be difficult to know when to pull back and "let the chips fall where they may" where they are concerned.  We want so much for our children to be successful, that we sometimes offer too much help and support. 

Christina entered the 6th grade this year at a local private school.  The curriculum used at the school is fast-paced and quite challenging.  I was apprehensive about enrolling her at this school in the first place, but realized that the alternative - a public school setting with upwards of 30 children in her classes, simply would not work for her. 

At first, Christina struggled to adjust to the newness of her surroundings and the pace at which she was expected to learn.  I have to admit that I was absolutely terrified that she would be overwhelmed from the start, and sink into a rut of complacency and despair.  However, I soon figured out a way to offer her the right amount of help, mixed with healthy doses of encouragement and a pinch of feigned indifference to her nightly episodes of crying and frustration.  To my delight, after only a few weeks, Christina found her inner strength and her self-confidence!  Her grades, her mood and her confience have steadily improved since then, and the best part of all is that she knows that she is doing the work herself.  Sure, I am a reliable presence for her while she completes her assignments each night.  However, she now takes pride in being able to complete as much of her work as possible on her own.    I offer her the structure and support that she needs in order to get her work done and she responds to that by putting her best foot forward!

"Thank you Lord for giving Christina the confidence to mount up on eagle's wings, believing that she can soar high above any problems she may encounter with her school lessons.  Amen."

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