Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Could Something Be Wrong???

Boy do I remember asking myself this question! In those first few weeks after we brought Christina home from the hospital, I repeatedly asked myself "Is it normal for her to scream so much and sleep so little?" Always, almost before I'd finished asking the question, I would think "Of course it isn't!" After all, Christina was our third child. We'd heard our fair share of crying with our first two children, but nothing could have prepared us for the seemingly endless barrage of Christina's piercing screams. As a born again christian, I knew that God was still there, even in the midst of our fear and concern, but He felt so distant in those first few months of Christina's life. Although she looked perfectly healthy, she was not. In fact, we would soon find out that she had a rare genetic disorder, sensory integration disorder, a significant expressive language delay, and PDD-NOS. Our journey into the world of parenting a "differently-abled" child had begun.

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