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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goodbye 2012!

In another day or so, the year 2012 will come to an end.  I like to take time at the end of every year to look back at my achievements, my failures, and lessons learned.  This yearly process seems to help me to get a clearer picture of where I've been, what I've done, where I should not have gone and what I shouldn't have done!  Assessing events of my recent past helps me to set goals and plan strategies for my immediate and long-term future.  I'd like to share a few of the lessons that I learned in 2012 with you:

What 2012 Taught Me

Never having done something before is no excuse for not doing it now!

Actively listening to someone or something requires my undivided attention.

Everyone won't appreciate my talent or my dreams.  

God's timing is perfect!  Some of my greatest opportunities to connect with another person have come while waiting for Him to take me to the next level.  I've learned to appreciate every second of every minute, because each one has the capacity to give birth to a miracle!

Walking by faith, and not by sight, gets easier the more I do it.

Life is hard sometimes, but dwelling on this reality only makes it harder.  I've learned to smile and speak positive words on purpose.

God doesn't play favorites.  My destiny is just as great as any other person's.  Convincing myself that I am worthy of greatness has been my biggest challenge, for with greatness comes great responsibility. 

It's okay not to have an agenda sometimes.  

People are who they are.  My job is to love them, not to judge them.

Life is like putty - it can be molded and stretched to become just about anything.  With God's help, my life has become something beautiful - something good.  Thank you Lord!

Asking "why?" hasn't netted any good answers.  Asking "what can I do?" instead is the spark for my writing, my sharing and my connecting with others.

If I expect the great, I will recognize it when it comes knocking!

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