Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Friday, April 5, 2013

Step By Step

Recently, the idea of taking a "step by step" approach to life's challenges took on a new, much deeper meaning for me.  I'm beginning to realize that I've taken my ability to move forward for granted and that I may not have devoted nearly enough time, consideration and prayer to many of the decisions I've made in my life.

The catalyst for this epiphany was an unfortunate ankle injury that my husband suffered earlier this week.  Since he hurt his ankle, he's had to plan and strategize to make even the simplest of moves.  I have been right by his side to help him, but I've been taken aback by how helpless this injury has rendered him.  Climbing stairs has proven to be a nearly impossible feat for him, despite his attempts to do so using the most well thought out of plans.  The look of frustration on his face makes me a little sad sometimes because I know how stubbornly independent he can be!  Still, watching him as he learns to cope with his temporary physical limitations makes me really think about how tentative and cautious he must be before attempting to  move his body in any way.  I realized that I could stand to be a little more tentative with my "movement", my mouth and the decisions that I make too.  I would do well to pause, much like my husband now does, before responding to others in ways that I know are not pleasing to God.  The Bible reminds me that God is concerned about everything that happens to me in my life, so why not ask Him about even the small stuff?

"Let my cry come near before thee, O Lord; give me understanding according to thy word.  Let my supplication come before thee; deliver me according to thy word.  Let thine hand help me; for I have chosen thy precepts" - Psalms 119: 169-160;173