Rest Ministries chronic illness support featured site

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

In The Waiting

I left work a little later than usual this evening.  As I sat in traffic on a nearby street, I was tempted to take a familiar shortcut.  If I took the shortcut, I wouldn't have to sit in traffic and wait for my turn to merge onto the main highway.  "If I'm lucky, I can make up the 5 minutes I lost by leaving late", I thought to myself.
I've taken this shortcut many, many times. Shamefully, I've even caught myself gloating once or twice, as I sped past drivers who were still waiting in what had looked like a never-ending line of cars and trucks. (No,  I'm not proud of this, but it's the truth.)  I chuckled a bit this evening, as I replayed the memory of myself glancing smugly at the other drivers because, for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why I'd been so proud of myself!  Yes, I'd managed to avoid waiting my turn in line, but what had I missed out on because of it?  Perhaps the Lord had intended to speak a word to my heart as I sat waiting in line.  Maybe he'd had something very specific He'd wanted me to do.  I suppose it's even possible that God Himself had orchestrated  and created opportunity for the traffic, just so He could have my undivided attention. He'd have to catch me another time though, because in my rush to get ahead of everyone else, I'd forfeited my opportunity to quiet myself and listen.
Nowadays, our ability to wait patiently for...well just about anything, has become somewhat of a lost art.  I like the idea of referring to the ability to wait as an art form, because while engaged in it, so much of the beauty that surrounds us can be slowly taken in and appreciated.  We've become a "microwave society" on so many different levels.  We're constantly looking for ways to get things done faster and, if possible, with little or no effort (or commitment) on our part.  Take cooking for example.  Does ANYONE still make cornbread from scratch?  What about baking, huh?  Can you recall the last time you had a slice of a 100%, made-from-scratch cake or pie? (Shout out to my mom who has recently perfected her recipe for her pound cake with lime glaze. Yum!)   What about education?  I mean many "get your degree in record time while wearing your pajamas" commercials do we need?
My question, folks, is simply this:  What are we in such a rush to get to or, in some cases, get away from?  We seem to have forgotten that important lessons can be learned when we "take the long way" through life's challenges.  We've become so repulsed by the idea of struggle, that we often chose to fore go these lessons, insisting instead that we be handed our victories instantly, lest we shed a few tears or actually break into a sweat!  Though often unpleasant, working through life's challenges instead of skirting around them, has it's benefits.  Just think of the incredible sense of accomplishment an athlete comes away with when he or she competes and wins?  Though athletes are often born with some degree of athletic aptitude and ability, they must still train hard in order to compete well and win.  Winning, therefore, requires a willingness to face challenges, to work hard, and to keep trying - no matter what happens!

In The Waiting 
(Chorus from "In The Waiting" - by Vicki Yohi)

I want a peace beyond my understanding
I wanna feel it fall like rain in the middle of my hurting
I want to feel Your arms as they surround me
And let me know that it's okay, to be here in this place
Resting in the peace that only comes
In the waiting

"Lord, help me to be patient and not get ahead of Your plan for my life.  Help me to trust You and to have faith in Your Word.  Thank you for Your grace and Your mercy in my life. Continue to use me and make me a blessing to others.  Order my steps, and  I will be available to You every step of the way!  No shortcuts! Amen."